Isomet Corporation
ISOMET�s technical foundation is in the design, development and production of acousto-optic devices, RF electronics and optical sub-systems. The company began in 1956 growing and processing exotic crystal materials. We were one of the first to offer commercial AO modulators into the laser market. Our high volume production facility has a well-earned reputation for supplying on time, cost effective products of consistent and excellent quality. Customers range from basic research establishments to global OEM system manufacturers. Non-disclosure agreements restrict publication of our OEM partners. Many ultimate end-users are world renowned. In the scientific community ISOMET devices are found across a wide range of disciplines. A notable example is the pioneering research by the 2001 Nobel Prize winner Dr. Wolfgang Ketterle.
Special Devices
Our engineers have broad based experience in acousto-optics, electronics, opto-mechanical design and applied
laser technology. ISOMET has introduced many novel AO
devices to the market and has received several patents for
innovations in the field of acousto-optics.
designs include:
�Compact XY deflector :
�Variable bandwidth tuneable filter :
�Dual beam High Power CO2 modulator: D1419
� AO frequency shifters with simultaneous up and down
shifted outputs :
� Compact single package integrated AO modulator with RF driver :